My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 74: Not cafeteria food


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Not cafeteria pizza!This looks like a tray right out of a high school cafeteria, doesn't it? Rectilinear-cut pizza, steamed mixed vegetables, cafeteria rolls, and grapes. However, all this stuff is much tastier than I remember cafeteria food as being. Well, except for the rolls. Those were pretty darn good.

The recipes have been used before, but I tweaked them a little this time around. I added pepperoni to the pizzas, giving me cheese, mushroom, pepperoni, and cabbage. The steamed vegetable mix includes broccoli and mushrooms in addition to the zucchini, yellow squash, and carrots, plus some melted butter. Leftover melted butter got swept up, of course, by those rolls.

Wanna talk about it?