My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 183: Pretty prettiness


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Pretty pretty I eschew artsy-fartsy cooking. I sneer at cutesiness in lunches. That with this bento I broke both of those longstanding self-imposed principles will, I'm sure, shock and dismay you.

It was actually kind of accidental. The two flower-shaped onigiri are stuffed with tuna & mayonnaise filling, and the easiest way I could make those was using a mold. Of the three molds I have, the flower one was the roundest and thus most suitable for stuffing. As for the boiled egg flowers, I was actually trying to make an egg chick, but the yolk split when I pulled it apart. So, I added carrot centers and made flowers to match the onigiri, and then put carrot on the onigiri to match the egg flowers. The edamame at the bottom seemed like a natural representation for grass, and a pink sanshoku dango went along with the floral theme. (It was either pink or green, and the green would have clashed with the edamame. Can't have that!)

So, this lunch is only accidentally cute. I didn't do it on purpose. Honest.

Wanna talk about it?