My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 190: Breakfasty


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Disorganized This lunch looks like it was a few hours late. By which I mean that it looks like a breakfast to me, even though everything in it is dinner food. (I sometimes eat a fruit & veggie plate for dinner. That's my "loafing in front of the TV" meal.)

So, here we have omurice, more fried green tomatoes with tartar sauce, and grapes. The omurice turned out really well this time, and didn't fall apart when I cut it up to put it in the box.  I think this is because 1) I cut the chicken, onions, and mushrooms up small, so I wasn't always slicing through them, 2) the rice was a little drier than usual, so it stuck together well, and 3) I refrigerated it before I packed it, which also encourages the rice to stick together firmly.

Wanna talk about it?