My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 224: Some things defy classification


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Conceptual Today's lunch is simple stuff. I was more in the mood to use stuff in my fridge before it turned to the dark side than I was to do any fancy cooking. So, here's a BLT on French bread, but I got wacky and made it with turkey bacon. So, is this a TBLT? Ya got me. Scrunched around the sides of the box are some baby pickles in a lettuce "bowl," a piece of coconut mochi, and (just to maintain continuity) steamed broccoli.

BTW, I give Butterball turkey bacon a thumbs-up. Tastes good, much lighter on the calories, and you don't have to run and sanitize your hands after touching it as you do with raw swineflesh.

Wanna talk about it?