My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 239: My lunch can outshine your lunch!


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Get out the geiger counter. You'd think I went all Photoshop with today's lunchbox, wouldn't you? The ideal bento box should contain at least three colors, so they say. By this definition, this lunch is more than ideal.

This meal starts out innocuously enough with the okonomiyaki and a container of sauce on the lower left. This batch was made with seafood medley, which is bagged squid, shrimp, octopus, mussel, and crab sticks all mixed together. Then, on the right, things get strange. The upper compartment contains thin omelet bits that were food colored red and blue, a leftover from the previous lunch. Below are some shelled edamame, and some baked purple sweet potato. It looks like I went crazy with the food coloring there as well, but those potatoes - which taste like regular Japanese sweet potatoes - are naturally that color! If that doesn't make them cool, I demand to know what is. Finally, on the upper left, I have a taco-like Nutella crepe. Well, more or less a crepe; the wrapper is a thin pancake made at the tail end of a batch of waffles. (I was thinking of a dorayaki with Nutella instead of anko, but I didn't have enough batter for two pancakes.) But crepes can be folded in half instead of rolled into a cylinder, so I call this a crepe. Let me tell you, this is an excellent use for Nutella!

Wanna talk about it?