My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 306: So chunky you can eat it with a fork


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Meat 'n' taters I was all industrious this weekend. I cooked things. You will see them soon. In fact, unless you avoid glancing at that picture to the right, you will see one now.

Today's lunch features niku jyaga which, literally translated, means "meat and potatoes." That's a pretty good summary. Thin-sliced beef, potatoes, onions, carrots, and peas, stir-fried and then simmered in the usual soy-mirin-sake-sugar seasoning mix. I've only made it twice before, and now I wonder why I waited so long. That stuff is good, and so easy to make.

Huddled on the side, intimidated by the savory glory of the niku jyaga, are some steamed broccoli and a packet of bin-bin rice crackers. Bet you can guess where I bought that last item.

Wanna talk about it?