are times my hardcoreness demands recognition. This
is one of those times. See those things that look like
walnuts? Those are takoyaki.
Homemade takoyaki. I've had a takoyaki pan for
a good long time, but I never managed to make decent
takoyaki in it because of the lack of volume-oriented recipes
and, more importantly, tips of the tricky techniques
involved. Well, I finally got inspired by the realization
that takoyaki batter isn't all that different from pre-cabbage
okonomiyaki batter, and gave it another try. The result
is some homely but tasty homemade takoyaki! I'll work
on my technique to make them prettier in the future.
Off to the right I have a boiled egg hiding
in some steamed
broccoli. I've been playing Dragon Quest VIII,
and it appears a Slime followed me to my lunchbox. Up
above are a container of mayonnaise* for the takoyaki,
a blueberry
mochi, and some dried cherries.
* Actually, the non-mayo soy equivalent;
real mayo might spoil before lunchtime.
Wanna talk
about it?