My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 429: By Arrangement


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It's all in the presentation Wow. This lunch is quite an eclectic mix of "whatever I had in my fridge." Mini-pita chicken sandwiches, each of which is a little bit of chicken smeared with mayo, wrapped in a lettuce leaf, and stuffed into half a mini-pita shell. I have a boiled egg (which spent some time getting acquainted with my star-shaped egg mold) on stir-fried cabbage which is bordered by simmered shiitake mushrooms. Then there's steamed Japanese sweet potato and steamed purple sweet potato, and finally fruit kebabs served on a few orange slices.

Lately the sweet potatoes I've been buying have been kind of dry, so this time I tried slicing them into 1/2" thick coins and steaming them instead of baking them. The result is as you'd expect: moister, differently textured, but tasting the same. Sure doesn't look as pretty, though! I stuck the fruit on toothpick-sized bamboo skewers after thinking that the grapes and berries and such reminded me of the gems in "Columns" (an old Sega Genesis game) and thus they would look pretty impaled in groups of three on wooden stakes. Er... well, you know what I mean.

Wanna talk about it?