My Lunch Can Beat Up Your Lunch!

Lunch Box 589: Sushi fantasia


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Graphic Equalizer Sushi Sometimes I luck out leftover-wise. I had a bunch of odds and ends plus a batch of rice. A few leftover shrimp, one lonely simmered shiitake mushroom, some omelet, a few shreds of smoked salmon, the tail end of a cucumber... What can I do with that stuff? Well, I can always stick it on top of rice... wait a minute, I'll season the rice, cut the miscellania up, arrange it all snazzy, call it chirashi-zushi, and nobody will know that I was cleaning out my fridge!

You won't tell anybody, will you? Shh.

And I've also got steamed broccoli, apple, and mochi. It's a safe bet that on any given day I will have at least two of those three items in my fridge.

Wanna talk about it?