The Top Ten Best and Worst Phobias to Have

by Joe Cassidy

The Top Ten Best Phobias to Have:
10. Aichmophobia: The Fear of Pointed Objects
9. Anglophobia: The Fear of England and its Culture
8. Bogyphobia: The Fear of the Boogeyman
7. Electrogeniphobia: The Fear of urinating during an electrical storm.
6. Soceraphobia: The Fear of Parents-in-Law
5. Arachibutyrophobia: The Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
4. Francophobia: The Fear of the French
3. Rhabdophobia: The Fear of being Beaten with a Stick
2. Politicophobia: The Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians
1. Coulrophobia: The Fear of Clowns

...And now, the top ten WORST phobias to have:
10. Papaphobia: The Fear of the Pope
9. Xylophobia: The Fear of Wooden Objects
8. Hellenologophobia: The Fear of Complex Scientific Terms and Greek Terminology
7. Porphyrophobia: The Fear of the color Purple
6. Gymnophobia: The Fear of Nudity
5. Ostraconophobia: The Fear of Shellfish
4. Stasiphobia: The Fear of Walking
3. Pantiphobia: The Fear of Everything
2. Venustraphobia: The Fear of Beautiful Women
1. Eurotophobia: The Fear of Female Genitalia

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