The ViviSection

Doujinshi commentary: Strawberry Shake

Circle:    Tenshin Monogatari    Strawberry Shake: Front Cover
Type:   Normal, gags & serious stories. 30 pages.
Date:   2000/5/5

At first I couldn't tell which circle this one was by. Then I looked at the black bow on Eiko on the cover, cross referenced it with some other doujinshi, and found that, yep, it's by Tenshin Monogatari, who have included a goth Eiko somewhere in every doujinshi I have.

A lot of the stories are talky. There's Zidane-Garnet conversations, and Eiko-Zidane conversations. The fun begins when Kuja shows up. He reads a fan letter and is upset when it ends with a comment that Zidane is still the favorite. He lounges around and wears very little and poses for the camera and is generally queeny as all get out.

There's also a touch of Beatrix & Steiner romance here. The first page shows Beatrix feeding some ramen to a rather flustered-looking Steiner. Later, Beatrix fiercely attacks Zidane - but the moment she sees Steiner she pulls a faint and goes all maiden-in-distressy on him. Not totally in character, perhaps, but it's still amusing. And it works - Steiner falls for it!

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