Contact Us!

Like what you see here? Got a suggestion or a bug to report? Then contact us. We love feedback!

However, please read the SLAQ first if you have a question. It may be answered there already. Especially if it concerns the names of the red and blue bots on this page. After that, if you still want to ask something, please write us. Slack, aka Kim McFarland, can be reached at  Hash, aka Wendy Lee, is The names of guest artists and contriutors are placed by their works.

A few tips to help increase your chances of getting an answer:

If you want to send us an image, please use the proper file format. For "true color" images like scans or detailed art, use JPG. For simpler images with flat color (such as those created with the KiSS sets) use GIF or PNG. (Don't use JPG for KiSS images - it damages the image while making the file much larger than it needs to be. I will not post JPGs of KiSS images, or KiSS images that have been damaged by being brought through that format.) Please don't send us BMPs, as on a dialup connection those take unreasonably long to download. However, if you must use the BMP format, zip the fles to compress them to a reasonable level.

If you want to send us a flame, well, don't bother. We've been online too long to get annoyed by childish stuff like that, so it'd be a waste of time on your part. Although if we felt like it we might post your letter - including your E-mail address - in The SLAQ. Hey. we're nice people, but everyone has a nasty streak! At least we give fair warning.

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