Based on
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Created by
Joel Hodgson
Mike Nelson, Gypsy, Tom Servo, Crow, Cambot, The Nanites, Magic Voice, Pearl Forrester, The Satellite of Love, and The Widowmaker are property of Best Brains Inc. and used without permission for non-profit fan purposes only.
Also based on
Bob and Megabyte are property of Mainframe Entertainment and are used without permission for fan purposes only. Again, no money involved.
Written by
Julia Cat
Used with author's permission.
Commentary in these stories is for comedy purposes only and is not intended as an attack on the author.
Special thanks
Julia Cat
All you patient MRT4K fans
These pages Copyright 2000 Silver Tiger. All Rights Reserved.
"Bob," he said,
"This has... never, ever, been done before!
"Um... thank
you?" Bob said, uncertain.