Written by Al's
(On the SOL, we see Crow T. Robot, Tom Servo, Mike Nelson and Gypsy sitting [as much as possible] in a semi-circle on the floor. Bob is standing in the middle of the semi-circle making giant gestures without uttering a word.)
Gypsy: "You've Got Mail!"?
(Bob shakes his head and continues)
Crow: Uh...Spam!
Tom: Disneyland!
Mike: (who has remained silent all this time, suddenly blurts out) ...Umm...a clown that stands outside a carwash and waves!
(Bob jumps up excitedly, and points at Mike)
Bob: YES! That's it!
(Mike notices Cambot)
Mike: Oh hello! We're just playing charades just to pass the time before the Mads call. And since Crow, Bob, and I are the only ones that have arms that move...
Tom: Oh...suuure! Rub it in!
Mike: ...we're the ones who are acting out the cards.
Bob: You're up Mike.
(Mike stands up while Bob sits down. Mike takes a card, reads it, puts it back in the box and begins.)
Tom: Ok...it's a thing...
Crow: ...two words...
Gypsy: ...first word...
(Mads lights starts flashing)
Bob: Hold it Mike. Scooby-doo, Shaggy and Tinfoil-butt are calling.
(Hits Mads button)
Pearl: Mike...bots...
Megabyte: (twitching) ...Bob.
Pearl: Today, we have a delightful fic for you entitled "ReBoot Season 4 Saga" by a guy named Issa Ibrahim. It's a real doozy. I think this will finally be the one to cause you to crack, Mike. (smugly) Oh and by the way, this story is written in script form.
Crow: What? What type of author writes something or anything for that matter in script form?
(Everyone looks at Cambot and shrugs)
Mike: Hey...what's wrong with Megabyte?
Pearl: Well, I felt ol' Megs here wasn't pulling his weight around here too well, so I had him hunt down this week's experiment. (hold up a green disk) It almost made him snap.
Megabyte: (twitching) Indeed. You're in...(twitch)...for it now...(twitch)...Bob...
Bob: (worriedly) This doesn't look good.
Crow: Mike?
Mike: Yes, Crow?
Crow: I'm scared Mike. Hold me!
Mike: (hugging Crow) Me too Crow. Me too.
Tom: (panicking) We're all going to die! The end is near! We're all going to DIE!
Pearl: (smirking) That's right, Bubble-dome. Have fun! (Pearl pops in the disk) Meggy, go lie down dear.
Megabyte: (twitching and speaking in a small voice) Yes mother...(exits)
(Lights and alarms go off.)
All: (panicking) WE'VE GOT MOVIE SIIIIIIGN!!!!