In the not-too-distant future --
Mike: No Bob you're NOT going to sing in this. Please. Bob: But WHY? Crow: Because quite frankly, you're tone deaf. Bob: Oh ok-hey! (MAD's light begins to flash) Mike: Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Floyd are calling... (Hits the button.) Mike: Hello sirs...I know you probably have some horrible experiment lined up for us today and all but could you give us a few minutes? We're sort of in the middle of band practice. (Pearl van) Bobo: Since when are you guys in a band? (SOL) Mike: Oh we're just doing this as a hobby today and we think we've got a nice little tune hammered out. Say, would you mind being out test audience for it? I think we've got the hang of it. (Pearl Van) Pearl: Well considering the only music we have available in this thing are Frank's old "Best of Buddy Holland" tapes I think we'll let you go this once. Megabyte: What are you playing by the way? (SOL) Mike: Well it's a song we call "One More Bot". Tom: We're calling our CD and this music _Collective SOL_. Crow: And our band name is _Eternal Purgatory_ because we felt it best described our emotional states from years of living here. Tom: At least it's better than Bob and the Bobett's... Bob: *I* liked it... Mike: One...two...one two three four... (They launch into their song which sounds familiar to Big Shiny Tunes 1 and I Mother Earth CD owners. It's to the tune of "One More Astronaut" by _I Mother Earth_. Mike is singing, Bob and Crow are on guitar, and Tom's on drums. Cambot zooms around filming them at dramatic angles.)
Mike (Singing): Some more guys and bots in, (Tom: We should really turn down the air conditioning.)
Mike (Singing): Thinking around the clock of,
Mike (Singing): "Give us space and a bit more room here,
Mike (Singing): It gets so lonely here ya' know,
Mike (Singing): Pleading and screaming "We've got movie sign"
Mike (Singing): One big chase, I think I'm dying here. (They go into the guitar and drum solo part.) (Tom joins in with Mike, singing the background accompaniment)
Mike and Bots (Singing): Some more guys and bots in,
Mike and Bots (Singing): In outer space, alive and not painless,
Mike and Bots (Singing): In outer space, stuck here and blameless,
(Mike breaks into solo)
Mike (Singing): Man I just wanna know, (They finish. Mike wipes his brow and looks at the camera.) Mike: What do you think sirs? (Pearl Van) Megabyte: Not bad. Rather flattering lyrics in some parts. But don't think that it's going to give you a longer grace period. Pearl: Your fic today is one "Ms. Decimal" and may I just say, this one's a dozy. Ariva Derchi... (SOL) Mike: Well let's try to get some more practice in while we can then. (They nod and start to play. Mike hooks up a voice changer to his mike.)
Mike: Sweet dreams are made of these- (Light flashes) Mike: And WE'VE GOT MOVIE SIIIIIGN!!!!!!!!! All: AHHHHHH!!!!!!! ![]() 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. @.. Click Here To Enter the Theater... |